United Way of Clallam County and Peninsula College have partnered to offer financial assistance to those working towards completing their High School Equivalency. The fund allows students to apply for assistance to pay for things like bus passes, bills, and childcare so that they can continue towards their goal of receiving their high school diploma.
Get Motivated
The project also includes opportunities for mentorship. “We believe motivation plays a big role in keeping students engaged and able to complete all their tests. We have connected with service club members and leaders in the business community who want to work with these students to provide moral support as they work towards completing the work they need to do and move towards a trade, job or further education,” Ray Chirayath, former United Way of Clallam County Board President.

"If you're about to be evicted from your house, you're not thinking about studying. And you immediately think, 'oh my gosh, I've got to go get a job and figure out how to pay my rent.'"
-Ray Chirayath, Former Board Member, United Way of Clallam County
Get Help
To find out more about the High School Equivalency program, please visit Peninsula College's website for more information. If you need financial assistance please speak with one of their representatives in the Basic Education department and mention the "Get-it-Done" fund.

"Students drop out because they hit a barrier and they're not able to persist through that barrier. And it's an endless cycle of not having enough money to pay your bills but also not having the education to get to a good enough paying job to pay your bills."
-Amie Batton, Director for Transitional Studies, Peninsula College
Get Involved
If you would like to donate directly to the Get it Done Fund, click below and write "Get it Done Fund" in the field labeled: Optional - Other instructions for my donation.
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