The United Way of Clallam County advances the common good by creating opportunities for all. We support programs in Education that promote academic achievement. We advance Economic Mobility by helping everyone achieve greater financial stability. We promote good Health by partnering to maximize physical and mental health and well-being across all of Clallam County
Our funding priorities are:
Safe and Stable Housing - Families and individuals achieve permanent and self-sufficient living situations.
Employment - Lifelong learning to ensure a strong workforce.
Strong and Secure Families - All Families are healthy and supported from the start.
Equity - Advancing efforts to create more equitable outcomes for our priority populations.
United Way of Clallam County is dedicated to making a lasting impact in these three areas, but we can't do it without your continued support. Continue to give and be the change you want to see in our community!
United For ALICE
ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and represents the growing number of families who are unable to afford the basics of housing, childcare, food, transportation, health care, and technology. These workers often struggle to keep their own households from financial ruin, while keeping our local communities running. The number of ALICE households is increasing in Washington as a result of rising costs and stagnant wages.
As a United For ALICE partner, we recognize that structural racism is deeply woven into the laws, institutions, and social and economic fabric of our society, and that it must be acknowledged, challenged, and dismantled. Creating equity for ALICE means illustrating how barriers by race, ethnicity, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ZIP code, health, ability, veteran status, and/or immigration status limit life outcomes, and working to remove those barriers so that all people can participate fully in all aspects of our social and economic systems.
Additionally, we acknowledge that building a more just society — for ALICE and for all — requires a commitment to understanding the true extent of hardship in this country. From challenging inaccurate measures of poverty and inflation, to painting a more accurate and inclusive picture of ALICE, we aim to hold ourselves accountable in all we do.
ALICE is likely to be
• A single mom |
• Living in a remote area • Making under $20/hour |
ALICE Workers |
• Educate our children |
Yet they do not earn enough to support their own families.
Helpful Links
We have assembled links with information that you may find helpful in learning more about what ALICE means, who is affected, and what sort of help is needed. If you have additional questions or would like to get more involved, please contact us.
I Want to Help!
The best way to help individuals and families in Clallam County who are struggling with financial insecurity is to donate to United Way of Clallam County's impact fund. These funds are distributed to where help is most desperately needed. A gift in any amount can make a real difference in the life of someone in our community. Please make a donation today by clicking below.